The Cell (2000) - 2nd time

Nominated for 1 Academy Award:

Best Makeup


The Cell is not a good film in the traditional sense of judging. But, at times, it’s visually gorgeous, which is why it needs to be seen. The cinematography, the production design, most of the costumes, all displayed inside the mind of a killer (or the savior), make up for what the film is lacking. And where it lacks the most is the acting.

Of course, the final version of the screenplay is a poor man’s killer movie, but since it’s meant to be a commercial summer film, expectations can be low. Where it could’ve done better is in the casting. D’Onofrio is an engaging villain when we get to the fantasy part, but Jennifer Lopez and especially Vince Vaughn are useless, and that’s a pity. The Oscar nomination for Makeup is very worthy (it lost to Grinch, in case you were wondering).


I give it: 6/10



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