She Done Him Wrong (1933) - 2nd time

Nominated for 1 Academy Award:

Best Picture


I hadn’t seen this in about a decade, and I was curious to see if it still stands. Sure, I don’t look at it as a real classic, since it’s definitely lacking in the directing department, and the story is not that interesting. But what it has (and still works) in Mae West’s capacity of delivering very juicy lines, that most probably she wrote herself.

When she’s on screen, the film works, because you know you’re about to be served another risky line, and that’s what we’re here for. And the humour is still valid, and witty, to this day. She was the queen of double entendre, and the film itself is a relevant example if you are looking to be inspired by what catchy dialogue is all about.


I give it: 7.5/10



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