Easy Rider (1969)
Nominated for 2 Academy Awards:
Best Supporting Actor: Jack Nicholson
Best Original Screenplay
The best thing I can say about Easy Rider is that it
got better along the way, because that first half was almost disastrous. But
then Jack Nicholson stepped in, and it’s his breakthrough role, and he’s quite
great in it, because it seems like he’s the one who is not COMPLETELY high
during this entire production. He enters the pic, elevates the level for
everyone on screen, and then leaves abruptly.
I can see why Easy Rider kind of changed the game
back then, but to me it ended up looking like a student film most times, with
no clear direction. The ending is OK, but random. What I did appreciate were
Jack, the unexpected sense of isolation of the characters, and that it didn’t
fear making some bold choices.
I give it: 6/10
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