Kinsey (2004) - 2nd time

Nominated for 1 Academy Award:

Best Supporting Actress: Laura Linney

I saw Kinsey again so that you wouldnā€™t have to. šŸ˜Š I had found it perfectly average 15 years ago, but it was worse this time around, too basic, with many uninspired directing choices. A topic this spicy deserved a much more fun, inventive approach, and more honesty. The sense that weā€™re dealing with some high drama feels forced, which makes the cheesy score terribly pathetic, as it tries to underline some great dramatic moments, that in fact arenā€™t there.

Sure, there are daring scenes, especially towards in the middle of the film, but it started like any cliched American biopic, and it ended like a terribly dull film. And oddly enough I wonā€™t blame the screenplay. Laura Linney felt far less impressive now, itā€™s like sheā€™s almost miscast, and the makeup department did her no service.

Oscar fans will see it for the acting nomination, but a film about sexual behaviour deserved a more creative director.

I give it: 5/10


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