12 Monkeys (1995) - 2nd time

Nominated for 2 Academy Awards:

Best Supporting Actor: Brad Pitt

Best Costume Design


A sci fi movie about a man traveling back in time to stop the deadly spread of a man-made virus… how timely, I know, but I swear I didn’t choose it on purpose. I hadn’t seen it in more than 15 years, so I didn’t remember most of the plot details. Like most Terry Gilliam films, it’s a weird one, with good and bad, but I think it mostly works.

Sure, they key is to not focus too much on the plot, since not all makes sense, but to enjoy the vision, and the film is fun and intriguing especially in the first half. It has a good pace, some mystery and it does feel special, almost unique. Where is drops the ball is the ending, that doesn’t provide enough satisfaction and it unfortunately doesn’t end on a high note. Brad is good, but it’s such a crazy performance; it was a weak category though, maybe he should’ve won.


I give it: 8/10



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