The Man Who Wasn't There (2001) - 2nd time

Nominated for 1 Academy Award:

Best Cinematography

Finally, a film that improves on a second viewing, 18 years later.    It’s not a typical noir, being more slow-paced than the genre usually allows, but it’s mysterious, sometimes dark (so Coens), and it takes some unexpected turns, though not exactly through twists. The Coens have found success over the years at the Academy with some crappy screenplays, and yet here is a great piece of writing that doesn’t get the recognition it deserves.

I also liked it because it’s well-directed, most times very Coens-style, but also with a touch of David Lynch in a few scenes, that make it deliciously interesting. It’s not a story I would fall in love with, and even I got a bit sleepy at times (was it Billy Bob’s voice?), but it’s interesting, and the separate elements: the directing, the screenplay, the acting, the visuals, come together nicely in one memorable film. Frances is good, but I have to mention Tony Shalhoub’s catchy supporting turn as the lawyer, and of course our lead Billy Bob Thornton, underacting, if I may say so, but he narrates the film so poetically nice.

I give it: 8/10


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