Notorious (1946) - 2nd time

Nominated for 2 Academy Awards:

Best Supporting Actor: Claude Rains
Best Original Screenplay

You might hear how Notorious is one of Hitchcock’s best films, but I don’t agree with that. I suspect part of the charm it leaves on people relates to Ingrid Bergman and how beautiful and elegant she is. I don’t consider it one of her iconic performances, but she’s good in the film, even though the screenplay rarely treats her right. Just as good is veteran actor Claude Rains, who has undeniable talent, enough to get something out of a character that doesn’t make much sense on paper.

As you can tell, my big issue is with the screenplay, that is quite superficial and leaves too many things unexplained. The stakes are not high enough and the tense moments fail to deliver (with the exception of the poisoning part) because the story is so predictable. There are traces of good direction of course, but the problems of the screenplay are not overcome.

I give it: 6.5/10


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