A History of Violence (2005) - 2nd time
Nominated for 2 Academy Awards:
Best Supporting Actor: William Hurt
Best Adapted Screenplay
A History of Violence is a film I wanted to give a
second shot, because I wasn’t its biggest fan 14 years ago, and other people
seem to have such fond memories about it. In all fairness, there was potential
throughout and there are scenes that really work, but the screenplay is a mess
overall, especially in the way it presents the family dynamic. There’s every cliché
in the book in building this family (the sensitive son that’s bullied by a
cartoonish jock, the little girl with blonde hair, the hot loving wife), and it
creates some cringy scenes and the dialogue is tragic. Unfortunately, the
family is featured A LOT, with poor roles and poorer casting.
What saves the film a bit (and why I think people remember
it more fondly) is all the action going on. Whenever we have just Viggo vs the
bad guys, the film works and has a different kind of energy. Viggo is not without
blame himself, surprisingly unable to carry the film. The real stars are Ed
Harris and William Hurt (who got nominated for a ~9 minute scene at the end of
the film 🙂 , but he made it memorable).
The villains are a breath of fresh air. But nominating this screenplay for an
Oscar is a big mistake.
Some would say Maria Bello, playing the wife, was robbed of
Oscar love. No. She overacts beginning to end, also drowning in that unconvincing
family dynamic.
I give it: 5/10
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