VERTIGO (1958) - 2nd time

Nominated for 2 Academy Awards:

Best Art Direction
Best Sound

Unlike popular belief, I don’t enjoy being a hater about films, especially one almost everyone loves. Vertigo, which I hadn’t seen in about 15 years, was voted, a few years ago, the best film ever (or something like that), by a very large group of contemporary critics from all over the world. Back in the day when I first saw it, I didn’t think too much of it, so my opinion was not influenced by that poll. What happened this time is that I found even more flaws to it, and me disliking it is somewhat of an unsettling feeling. I wanted to like it, but there are so many minuses that I don’t see how others can ignore.

First, the positives: the cinematography is superb, and the camera work in general, including that special shot that was invented for this film. The colours tell the story. I liked the opening credits and the opening music, because otherwise the film is quite overscored. Barbara Bel Geddes gives the one performance that feels natural.

There are a few things that I disliked, the biggest one being how the story plays out. The first hour is quite boring, the middle is a bit better, but then the twist is revealed way too early. The leading character acts erratically and, worst of all, ends up being so dislikeable. Why would we care for him, or even for her for that matter?! What I didn’t remember was the severe misogyny of the last part, so much so that the female character ends up like a prop in the hands of this lunatic the film seems to empathize with. She gets treated like shit and gets no redeeming moment.

James Stewart is simply too old for the part and Kim Novak, while she doesn’t fail playing the second character, her acting is not good enough to overcome how underwritten her role is.

I give it: 6/10. Mostly because it LOOKS good.


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