Cast Away (2000)

Nominated for 2 Academy Awards:

Best Actor: Tom Hanks
Best Sound

How do I express that, to me, this was perfect? 🙂

I had never seen Cast Away from start to finish, just a couple of scenes and the ending. I knew it would be up my alley, but I didn’t expect to love it. To me, it was both breathtaking, suspenseful AND heartbreaking. The airplane crash is epic and so is everything that happens on the island. Not a boring moment, and all shot in such a way to fully empathize with the character. It’s beautifully directed, masterfully shot and the sound is ace.

The love story works. The reunion kept me on the edge of my seat, even though I kind of knew what would happen. How this film is so underrated is very surprising to me. I realize it’s mostly mainstream, but it’s done so well, well-acted and I would’ve given it many more Oscar nominations.

I give it: 9.5/10


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